Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Happy 7th

Lilly's 7th birthday was on Monday. She of course really didn't seem to care why I was giving her the more than the usual amount of treats, but she was pleased.

Her paddock mate got the private paddock. I was on the list too. So now we're back to ourselves in a 4 horse paddock. Our barn is thinning out a lot. So I won't have to worry about dealing with someone for a while.


Our barn is a self-care co-op. We have 40 barns and I think like 12 paddocks. Each paddock has an alloted amount of horses. I am in a 4 horse paddock. So if someone comes in and wants to stick their horse in my paddock I can't say jack.

Most of the times its not the horses that don't get along its the people. I was lucky with LC's owners. They are nice. He does morning I bring his horse at night. But some folks are crazy. They treat horses like their babies. They're horses accidents happen. Other time its scheduling conflicts.

I wanted the private paddock, because it'd been so convienent. Lilly is a big anti-social like me. But she'd have another horse on the other side.

Ah well. Maybe next time.

She's getting her coggins pulled so I can enter the Feb Morven Park show. yay! Took the day off just for that.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Frightful Woods

So on MLK it was beautiful in Northern VA. I in the middle of January wore a t-shirt to the barn. My friend and I went on a trail ride. I just wanted to get Lilly on trail to have a peaceful and relaxing environment. Give her a break from the arena.

She had a complete mental breakdown. She was fine walking away from the barn. As soon as we turn to go back home, she just broke down. She wanted to jig not walk. I don't mind jigging, but then she wanted to pop up in a mini-rear and tried to bolt. Finally I just got off her and walked her back. She acted like a TB going to post for the KY Derby.

I think she just isn't comfortable with the woods closing around her. Even with a buddy she was totally a freak of nature. I may just have to take the time and go out in the woods each weekend. But it's hard to find someone who'll go out with ya. But ah well.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Happy Appy

So our first show of the year was a good one. My only goals for the show was not to fall off.

I did quite well. She only had one moment and it wasn't really that bad. She just didn't listen to my leg and got super tense. She didn't spook just got tense when she heard the dump trucks outside the indoor arena.

The first test while she wasn't spooky she was a little worried. So she was slightly irregular in her rhythm. The photographer's camera sound made her a little jumpy. But otherwise she was good. We scored a 69.50% and got 3rd.

In the second class we scored 71.50% and got 1st. The judge asked me if she was Wap Spotted lined and I was nope. She's my Halter Breeding Reject.

So I'm very pleased with her. I'll have a video and a few pics up soon.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

2010 Show Season

Here are my shows, potentionally. The licensed shows really depend on what saddle I have. If I have my new saddle I'll go.

Jan. 16th: Morven Park Benefit Show J: Trisha de Rosa
Feb. 13th: Morven Park Benefit Show J: Jocelyn Pearson
Mar. 14th: Morven Park Benefit Show J: Susan Carr Davis
Mar. 21st: Vada/Nova Schooling Show J: Jaralyn Finn Gibson
Apr. 17th: Morven Park Benefit Show J: Betty Thorpe
1 May: Quantico Riding Club J: Aviva Nebesky
15+16 May: Dressage at Doswell J: Kem Barbosa + Nancy Lowey
6 June: Vada/Nova Licensed Show
26 June: Vada/Nova Schooling Show
10 July: QRC J: Lauren Sprieser
14 Aug: Vada/Nova Schooling Show
21 Aug: QRC J: Jessie Ginsburg
4+5 Sept: REgion 1 Adult Team Competition
11+12 Sept: Vada/Nova Licensed Show
6 Nov: Vada/Nova Schooling Show

Ghetto Booty Butt

I am half black. My father met my mother when he was stationed in Korea. Despite a language barrier they fell in love and got married and produced me! yay!

My father's side of the family has given me a nice ghetto booty butt. Translation I got a large ass.

My friend gave me her Stubben Maestoso to ride in for a week. I think the seat just rises up too quick. I don't think Stubben had ghetto booty butt when designing the Maestoso. It could be a quick fix that I need a bigger seat, but I dunno. I don't think I really want a Maestoso.
Since Lilly is built down hill I do like the Maestoso because the front of the saddle is high unlike the other saddle. So when I ride it doesn't feel like I'm being pitched forward so bad.

Continuing the saddle search.

Lauren Sprieser is hosting a saddle fitting clinic that I'm going to go to in Feb.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

catch up

It's been a long time since I posted. I've been busy or lazy. Since right now I'm awake with a migraine I figure why not now.

Lilly and I are entered at Morven Park's dressage schooling show on Jan. 16th. While I usually do Training Level 1 & 2 I decided to drop down to Intro A and B. I'm paranoid that she's going to be psychotic. I'm there to school anyways. When I showed Intro levels with her she never did well anyways so we'll see how it goes.

Another reason for the drop is that I haven't been on her that much. It's either been too icy, ground has been rock hard or it's like windy and in the teens at night by the time I get to the barn.

Yesterday was chilly I believe in the 20s, but the sun was on maximum. It felt really good. The ground was very nice and I rode and had a pleasant ride.