Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Everybody thinks that their horses are the best thing since sliced bread. It’s like our children everyone else may think he’s the ugliest thing in the world, but we’re proud parents we think our children are cute, smart, and awesome. I know there are people that would look at Lilly and think ugly and dumb Appaloosa mare, but they at the end of the day she comes back on my trailer.
I use Lilly teach beginner lessons on. She’s very good with kids and beginners. Of course her lesson kids love her. My one student couldn’t get her gelding on the trailer so I used Lilly for her lesson. My student needed to work at the trot and Lilly was on auto-pilot just trotting away and so my student had good opportunity to work on her 2-point and posting without having to kick or prod or shoo forward.
Trainers. The trainers I work with of course have their private opinions. But I’m a good fisher of bullshit. So I never get a vibe that they’re just out for a paycheck and don’t take the Appy seriously.
Budi is the only trainer that has ever ridden Lilly. Anytime I watch him ride he get’s excited and talks to me how awesome she is. He wants to attack the HITS series. He also really wants to see her offspring. He really encouraged me that she’s too special not to breed. He really believes that she’d be a great foundation mare for my program. This is what one of the reasons I bought her. Though I originally thought she’d be my hunter pony, but paths seldom go the way we truly planned.
Budi wants to try and go for embryo transfer. But the cost is a halting factor. I think on a cheap end it is $3,000 but my friends say the average is $6,000. Money I don’t have. I really want to save up to put a down payment on a house in 2yrs. What I need is a better job or win the Megamillions, but I got to work with what I have. The dreams are bigger than the pocketbook. But I believe that one day I’ll have my program. I do want to breed Appy Sport Horses and be like the Iron Spring Farms of the ApSHA world.
I believe in my mare and I have a group of folks who do too. One step at a time and we’ll see how things turn out. 