Sunday, May 23, 2010


So the vet checked over Lilly on Friday. I'm in between vets. I don't like the two vets that are normally at my barn.
I'd prefer to use Piedmont Equine Vet, but since I was out of town, I used my friend's vet so my other friend didn't have to hook up her trailer and take her to mine.

(I'm like 5 miles out of my preferred vet's traveling range. drat.)

Well the vet checked her, didn't feel anything's broken, but to keep her on bute and let her out, so she can move around to keep the swelling down.

I come back into town last night. I went out to the barn and her hock has totally swollen up.

Then I look again, and her leg has started to swell too. Mid-way down her leg. *x*

So tomorrow I'm taking her to Piedmont Equine Vet. I figured they can x-ray her at their facility and determine what's wrong.

My friend who owns the mare is stressed out, because she feels guilty. I don't blame her, horses can be horses.
I just want my girl to be healthy again.

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