Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Trying to Avoid the Lighting Strikes

Last night I got on. I heard the storm in the distance and figured I had at least twenty minutes.

Mr. Storm said nope. As soon as I was happy with her walk, and asked her for a trot. I saw flashing. Yup good ole lighting. So as soon as I could I hopped off and ran to the barn. Something spooked Lilly I think it was the groundhog not the thunder.

I untacked her and fed her her dinner and noticed the huge monsoon that rolled in. It came down hard for about 25 minutes. I did a little mucking and I scratched all of Lilly's favorite spots. I'm usually never in her stall during a thunderstorm, but she was totally chill. Rain's all going crazy and she was chill. I guess all that bombing the Marines do, it's just another day in the neighborhood.

After the storm finished and the sky cleared up again. I tacked her up again and rode. She has a habit of really clenching her jaw and it really hurts my shoulder. I'm used to holding the reins between my ring and pinky fingers. But I held it with my fist. When she pulls hard it's easier on my shoulder.

It's been the continuation of trying to get her softer on the bit and to accept it. I'm glad to say that our fights generally are lessening in time. (Instead of 45 minutes now 30, haha).

Last ride her canter departures were awesome, but either due to footing or maybe she was tired, they were a little sketch. But I got a few good departures and she was a rock star. She was on the bit, she was moving forward a good way to end the night.

My show in Saturday. Riding at 9:26 and 10:06. Thank goodness for morning rides, let's hope I get to beat the heat.

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