Saturday, February 27, 2010

Vacation Over...

So finally the weather is going to start being agreable. I have to get my emissions done, but afterwards we're going back to work.

I'm going to lunge her with side reins and maybe hope on for a few minutes.

I rode her Wednesday, nothing serious just up and down the road and up and down our hill that leads to some paddocks. Really all I could really do.

Thursday she was a little spitfire, so I was going to let her run around the arena. Well someone left the south gate open so she got loose. She ran around the barn and to the paddocks. She surprisingly was easy to catch.

I need to get out of bed and start my day. Panera sounds like a great breakfast. :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

spotted demon

The snow has been on the ground for about 2 weeks now. Lilly had a total melt down last night. I wish it would have melted the snow with it.

I was also not in a good mood, so having her be a total butt didn't make my mood better. We just walked around the arena. But that was a fight. I didn't have a dressage whip. Every time I'd ask her to go, she was saying very vocally no!

We had two other fights and finally I just said screw it.
But we made up. Lots of face scratching. She's shedding a lot on her face, so she was thankful.

So today Ms. Hissy Fit will get ridden and she will walk forward.

On another note. I want these. These are so cool looking! haha

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cabin Fever

So I've been stuck on and off in the house this whole week. We've had two blizzards to strike our area. Tues-Wed's blizzard didn't hit us as hard, but it hit DC pretty hard, so I had off yesterday again. Which was actually fine, because I was god awful sick. I feel 80% better today. I still have a lingering headache, but ah well. Headaches I can deal with.

Stuck in my cabin feverness I did a lot of internet searching.

1. I've started pilates.
Just regular old pilates. I was reading another blog and she did a feature on pilates. So Tuesday when I got out of the house I grabbed a video and a pilates mat. Already my ab area feels sore. But I feel good. I'm only doing very basics but it's helped alot.

2. I've found a saddle.
I talked to the lady who owns it. It's a Jaguar priced super cheap (for a Jag) and she said I can come to her farm to try it out.
So if it fits and it isn't sold by the time I can go to her place I'll have a dressage saddle. It's very much loved. But it's still in good shape. When I saw the price I was worried that it would be in hideous condition, but no I was very surprised.

3. Change of Show Schedule.
I decided to switch my schedule. Primarly do to the snow and how this winter has been a hag. But the show schedule is always changing.

4. Farmville
Highly annoying and high addicting.

5. My Short Story
I've been editing and re-editing and chopping and... Well I need to give it a once over and send it to my editor.

6. I keep reminding myself
I love my parents. Because they're driving me nuts.

And I wonder when my custom boots will be ready....

Monday, February 8, 2010

Dashing Thru the Snow

So if you haven't heard the Mid-Atlantic area was dumped with about 2-3 ft of snow. I didn't make it to the barn til yesterday. My friend picked me up and away we went.

I wanted to turn Lilly out in the other arena, I had to tread through 3' of snow. I let her out and realized there was a ton of snow btw the gate and the fence. So I had to smimmy the gate to the fence to get it closed. I had to take a breather because snow gives you a work out.

Then I turned out Frog who may be her new pasture buddy with her. Frog kind of wanted to run but this stuff was so thick they were like nah, we'll just stand in the warm sun.

I did my stall and took care of the boring business. I heard commotion, but it didn't sound like my horse. I checked nope. It was the other arena. They put a few horses that aren't use to one another. The big paint gelding didn't want the other paint near his Appy girlfriend. haha.

I was pretty much stuck at the barn until Cherie was done plowing the drive way. So I hopped on and where ever Lilly and Frog went I was just along for the ride. I got off and dug the snow way from the gate, so the next person could open it a bit easier.

After putting up Frog, I got back on Lilly. We had a blast. We rode all around the barn, she was jogging through the snow. She had to pick up her feet real high, so I think I was passaging around the place.
For whatever reason sometimes she wanted to jump into the deepest snow drift. I amused her, as long as we didn't go down the hill. I was paranoid she might hit the slick road and slip.
I was on for about an hour and half. Sometimes we trotted around other times we just both chilled and sunbathed.

After I got off I took out LC. Let him gallop and have fun. I saw his leg had a nasty cut. It was superficial but there was some swelling. Instead of cold hosing I just made him stand in the snow. It actually did help and I think walking around helped too. He was having a blast int he snow.

Federal government is closed. So I have the day off. The roads are semi-okay. I really want a steak and cheese sub and a caramel latte. So I may escape the confindes of the house again and go to Jerry's and Borders. I need to work on my story a bit. I wrote a short story, but I dunno I'm not happy with it, even tho my friend said she liked it. Oh well we're our biggest critics.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

riding is a dream

This winter has been awful in terms of riding. It's been start and stop since mid-December. I've decided not to enter the Feb Morven Park show. Just not enough prep time.

I was suppose to have a lesson with Lauren Sprieser, but that got nixed. We have the blizzard of the century blowing our way starting tomorrow.

I haven't ridden my horse seriously since..... Um... I'm not sure. Past ride was bareback in the snow. And the other ride was just up and down hills.

Time to hibernate. -_-

Monday, February 1, 2010

snow date

Saturday morning when I woke up at 5:00am not a snowflake in site. I did my usual early morning ritual. On weekends I have to do a few things before I can go back to sleep.

So when I woke up at 8:30 there was snow everywhere! Despite the aggravation of snow, it's been very pretty this year.

I went to the barn around 10. As I opened up the stall, Lilly decided that she was going to turn herself out and leapt over me and the wheelbarrow. I grabbed her by the blanket and she had the oh shit I'm in trouble look on her face. Judy the lady who's down the ways grabbed her halter for me and we captured the escape Appy.

So I tied her to the stall across so I could do her stall without her escaping again. She tried giving me the sorry eyes. But I told her she was still on the shit list.

I grabbed my bridle after I did my chores and we went for a little ride. Nancy got a few pics, but I can't find my camera cord. *x*

We had so much fun. Lilly has a very narrow build and her spine conveniently goes up the butt crack. *x* But as long as I sit very far back, it's fine. She actually has a comfortable little jog once you find the right place.

I lost my balance a little bit when she tripped over a hidden ground pole, but she stopped and I regained my balance and we trucked along.

More snow predicted for this weekend. augh. I have a lesson schedule with Lauren Sprieser. Hope it just snows on Sunday. :P