Thursday, December 23, 2010

Finally Ride Time

So tomorrow I'm going to Laughing Fox Farm to ride. Well probably lunge my mare, because she's loopier than a fruit loop right now.

Actually she's been good. I rode her up from her paddock to the arena. I rode in the arena for a bit. She has a funny thing where I know she wants to go crazy. I could feel all that energy that wanted to be released. It was building and building. But she waited patiently. My friend finished her hack and got out of the arena. I hopped off. She stood there like a good girl and I unleashed the fury.

She ran up the gate and bucked out at Danica and Thomas. I joked with Danica that Thomas called her fat and she was giving him the last hoof. After that she galloped and played.

I haven't ridden my horse like a real hack in like 3 weeks. I feel awful. I've been working out, but it's not the same. How am I suppose to show in March when I can't ride?!? GAH!

I need to hit the lotto so I can go to Florida each winter.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


I've had these thoughts for a bit. Budi wants to show Lilly. No problems with that. I want to show Lilly as well. Got that figured out. No biggie.

I want to get her in the Bronze Studbook with ApSHA before I breed her in 2012. That's easy. With her improving so much over the past few months I think we can do it.

Budi made a mention that he just wants to keep her at 3' and smaller divisions in 2011, and then see how she does. But if I breed her in 2012, that'll put a lot of plans on the halt.

Budi's excited about me breeding her. He loves her attitude and her talent over the fences. In my mind, I'm breeding her first baby for me dressage baby. And the second baby for him jumper baby.

I guess if I saved the money starting now I could do embryo transfer, but it's still an expensive procedure.

I'm such a neurotic planner. 2012 seem so far away, but really it's not.

I have ideas of who I want to breed too. WB stallions. I know my Appy friends probably grumble. But I really like these two studs. But that's a post for another day.

2010 Awards

So this year was good. Though being a perfectionist I don't like being in the 50% percentile. 60s! haha. But ribbons are ribbons. :D

Virginia Dressage Association: Northern VA Chapter
5th-Training Level Licesed Levels
Champion-Appaloosa Sport Horse Association Award

Quantico Riding Club
Reserve Champion-Training Level
Reserve Champion-Novice Horse Speed Events
5th-Adult Speed Events, with Rebekah Elder
4th-Introductory Level with Rebekah Elder

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Jumping Pics

Saturday's session was smaller fences. We jumped her 2'9" last time, but Budi just wanted to do a light workout. I borrowed my dad's camera. She was very naughty and bucky and really just wanted to jump. Budi likes his horse to be supple and she was being a mare.

Budi's plan is to show her at Frying Pan Park over the winter. Hit the Sandstone circuit over the spring, and then do HITS in the summer. Nothing over 3'.

Our first show barring any crazy snow storm is this Sunday. ::crosses fingers:: I hope this predicted snow is a joke tomorrow. I've been excited about it for a bit.

mini update

Past few weeks have been a whirlwind. First our dog passed away. It was rather sudden, we had been treating his allergies, took him to a different vet, turned out he had skin and stomach cancer. I miss him dearly. He was such a good pup.

Then I had Lasik eye surgery done. I had the PKR procedure, where they don't cut your eyeball. A little more recovery time, but so far it's been worth it.

I haven't been on my mare since maybe... um.... Last Thursday actually. Mini hack. But this cold weather really has been bothering me. Plus Budi has been riding her more and I didn't feel like messing up his schedule.

She's been a little naughty. I need to get a heavyweight for her so she can go out more. Just waiting for my paycheck and then also get me some winter boots.

Lauren is leaving for Florida. Our arena is sketchy sometimes. But the holidays money always seems to disappear. Budi is also working her for the winter jumper season.

So I think I'm going to ask Davera for another side saddle lesson. It was so much fun, I've just been so busy. My Christmas present to myself. :D

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fun Lil Hacks

So this week I haven't done very much serious training. Monday I wasn't going to ride, but I felt like I should because supposedly it was going to rain Tuesday and Wed. So I just hoped on bareback. To be honest my dog was sick so I've been stressed. I hoped on at the fence. She was a good girl, got on and we opened the gate and off we went up the hill. We went to the arena and was talking. My friend let us in and we just trotted all around.

For folks who've never ridden you can sense the mood of your horse. Monday night she was in a playful and happy mood. We trotted circles, serpantines, over poles. So it helped cheer me up. I'm happy that I can sit her big trot.

Last night I hacked her lightly. She was so good. Last week we were having issues with the right bend. She refused to bend to the right. Last night she was a super star. The left bend, was okay. But overall she was so supple and round. I was so happy last night. It was only about a 15 minute hack, but it was good enough. And it was way too cold too. *x*

Gotta get my winter breeches soon.