Sunday, November 22, 2009

Friday's ride.

Friday I had off. So I woke up, did my barn chores and got on. For the first 15 mins I was just blah. My brain hadn't turned on yet. I chatted to a few friends and then I started to ride.

When we do a free walk -or- a normal walk not asking her to flex at the poll and I use my legs she moves off very well. As soon as I start to ask her to flex at the poll, her engine starts to pitter. She was being really lazy off my leg, so I tapped her, very little response. So I used the whip again, and she did a big crow hop. Then she marched off my leg.

But slowly and surely she's starting to really come underneath herself and march along at the walk nicely. Asking for the trot work, she was being a little snottish. She wanted to just go really really fast, so I really had to tell her hey! listen to me. Had to do circles and bending finally she was really flexing and moving beautifully.

As the weeks gone by, the time where I really have to warm her up to get on the bit has gotten shorter and shorter. When she's on the bit and using her hindquarters, her trot is a whole different creature. It's floaty and smooth and I can sit it.

Hopefully I can hack out of the arena today. I've wanted to do it, but by the time I get back from work on the wkdays it's pitblack. Or the ground is super wet, but I think it shouldn 't be too bad.

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