Monday, November 2, 2009

living like a 25yo

So I've taken a lot of time and done stupid stuff that a normal non-horse owning equestrian does. Like actually go out, drink, club, and spend money on non horsie stuff.

Which means not really ride. I rode at our fun show we hosted a few days ago. I only did barrel racing and it was fun.

I finally can afford to ride with my trainer again. So next Sunday I'll be back in school. Since I started to car pool I have 35 mins extra on a good day to be at the barn earlier.
I'm also going to join the local gym. My diet has been on the back burner. I haven't gained too much extra poundage, but I want to at least be a size 8 by June of next year. Right now I'm in the 10-12 range depending on the brand for pants.

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