Tuesday, May 11, 2010


So my mother has been going to the acupuncturist for many years now. She always seems to get pain relief and so she took me to her doctor yesterday. I figured for $40, why not. Getting stabbed with needles is always fun (I'm being sarcastic).

So we go and I have no idea what to expect. The doctor is Korean so he had her in the office and they were talking. He knows english, but I guess it was easier for him to have my mother translate. So we talked about my pain in my shoulder. I pretty much got a massage and he found where I was hurting, if he couldn't guess by me visibily flinching when he pressed down on my shoulder point.

In my mind I thought he was already putting needles in me, because I'd feel him put something wet and it sort of smelled like alcohol. But my mom said no. He hadn't. He left and my mother and I chatted for a bit and he came back.

I have no idea how acupuncture works, but I honestly can say I feel 85% better. I'll see how I feel in the saddle, but going to bed last night I wasn't in any pain.

Forgot to mention I felt nothing when eh stuck the needles in my back. The only time I felt something is when I accidentally bumped into one of the needles. But putting them in and taking them out didn't hurt. I was shocked.

So tonight I may have a lesson with Nadege.

My mother just informed me of two things that I have to do this year, so my show schedule is changing again. *x* Oh well.

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