Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Better Shape

I've been taking lessons with Kelly Weatherhead and Nadege this lady at the barn. It's been great to go back and forth between the two. It's good having two different styles, that have one goal: creating a rounder horse.

Lilly is very hard mouthed and I think all the years of hunt seat and ApHC-styled training has created a horse that doesn't like contact.

She's been popping up a lot. Both Kelly and Nadege have said it's because we're asking her to use herself more and she's protesting.

Nadege really worked with me at the canter, because I have a habit of giving up my reins to her and losing the roundness.

My friend Candice and her daughter watched our lesson half-way into it. We were talking about getting them rounder can be a lot of hard work. I told them I think my working out out has improved my riding in the aspect that since she's so strong and hard on the bit, my strength and endurance has helped me.

Another good thing about this ride is that my shoulder was awesome. I wasn't in any pain and I felt great. Nadege really yelled at me to post like a dressage rider not like a hunter with my hips leading not my shoulders. Really felt my abs working when I did that. woohoo!

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